
Showing posts from July, 2021

Vacuum Pumps: The Technology Behind a Modern Vacuum and What It Can Do For You

So you’ve got a new invention – a vehicle, a toy, or something else that needs to be made airtight. Or perhaps you’re looking for the perfect replacement for your truck’s air compressor. Whatever your goal, you need to know how vacuum pumps work. In this article we explore the inner workings of vacuum pumps and explain how they can be used in a variety of applications. 1. What’s inside a vacuum pump? Although not technically a vacuum, a commercial vacuum cleaner is sometimes referred to as a machine that pulls dirt and debris into the bag. These types of vacuums generally have multiple axial fans that pull air into a reservoir and then expel the air through a hinged trap door. Vacuum pumps last for many different applications, including foodservice equipment, commercial recycling and dry cleaning equipment, industrial equipment, automotive equipment, and household cleaning. Originally developed for medical diagnostic equipment and space exploration, one of the earliest commercial vacu